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Writer's pictureJacob Vest

Back to work... With COVID-19

Updated: May 13, 2020

Ah, does it feel good to get back to work. After many productions being put on hold and my traveling has come to a halt, a light at the end of the tunnel begins to shine. Typically during this time of year I am shuffling bags in and out of airports to film TV shows like Two Conchs Sportfishing's or the new Outdoor Channel original Spearlife. But as we all know, we have been confined to our "at home" spaces. As a creative, I have been digging into ever outlet I can to keep the juices flowing, while daydreaming of all the sweet camera movements that I hope to execute the next time I get "the call". Thankfully I didn't have to spend to much time in my head because Reliant Studios called for a Drone Operator and I came running. With PPE's and social distancing in mind, here are some BTS photos with Reliant while shooting for Akrs Equipment out of Elkhorn, Nebraska.

Images provided by Jacob Vest

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